Monday, December 10, 2012


Let's be honest - no one likes finals, and the older I get and the more finals I complete, the more I loathe them and the stress that they cause me.  Last week was finals week, and my stress level was running quite high.  I'm naturally a very anxious person so I am always looking for things to help me de-stress.  Here are a few simple things that I use and do to keep the stress levels at bay; hopefully they help for any of you working your way through finals/holiday commitments!

I've expressed my preference for Volsupa candles before in other posts, but this Goji Tarocco-Orange scent has just enough citrus to keep me alert while writing papers and the flickering candle light from the three wicks casts a soothing light. 

The less sleep I get, the more stressed I tend to get; this sleep mask blocks out all the light and helps me get a deep shut eye.

I always unwind with a crossword puzzle before I go to sleep to distract my mind from the details of the day (plus, when I find I can't answer anymore of the clues, I know it's time to turn off the lights).

I've been using Bath and Body Works' pillow mist for ages; I've come to associate the scent with falling asleep and spray it on my pillow just before climbing in bed.

 It's dark chocolate so it's healthy, right?

Watching old sitcoms.  30 minutes of bliss.  I've been watching a marathon amount of That 70's Show lately.

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